A manuscript must meet certain requirements before it can be considered for publication: it must have never been published before, be in no other journals or conferences, and have the written approval of all co-authors (if any) and responsible authorities (implicit or explicit) at the institution where the work was done. The publisher is immune from any claims for reimbursement, so you may relax.
The author wants to use previously published figures, tables, or text passages in their work, they need to get permission from the copyright holders for both print and online versions of the work. They also need to include proof that they have this permission when they submit their papers. Without such proof, it will be presumed that the material originated from the authors.
To submit your manuscript, just click the "Submit manuscript" link and follow the on-screen instructions to upload all of the necessary files.
For each patch and submission, please include all necessary editable source files. If you want your article reviewed, you need to provide an editable set of source files. It is imperative that you consistently use standard word processing formats like.docx or LaTeX when submitting your paper text.